Jane Chew – founder of The Fabulous Body and Mind!

As a certified Holobody coach, she is dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey towards optimal health. In a world where many grapple with health challenges tied to weight, diabetes, or chronic diseases, she empowers her clients to proactively prevent these issues through lifestyle adjustments, dietary shifts, physical activities, sleep patterns, stress management and a shift in mindset.

She is also a certified corporate trainer specializing in corporate wellness. Her broader mission is to foster collaborations with healthcare professionals to introduce cutting-edge health programs that can reverse the tide of health challenges faced by individuals. Together, they aim to make a profound impact on people’s well-being.

Check out her program here!

Online Fitness Coach – Ro Little

Almost 10 years ago, she fell in love with fitness. As a previously overweight and unhealthy web designer who just sat at her computer all day …she heard the news that ‘sitting is the new smoking’. She stepped away from the computer and started to get active … She got hooked – and never looked back!

Today she is completely obsessed with all things relating to fitness and nutrition. Her passion is developing world-class fitness challenges & workout programs – that inspire and motivate others to LOVE the process of getting.

Check out her workout program here.

Megye Seet – Senior Diet Therapist of World Federation of Chinese Naturopathy
Megye is a dedicated natural therapist dietitian with two years of experience, her field of nutrition and oncology began with a deep-seated passion for helping individuals combat the challenges of chronic disease through dietary guidance.

Check out her diabetes reversal program here!


Kindaichi Lee – Coach, Counsellor & Trainer

Kindaichi Lee is trained both as a qualified Counsellor as well as an international credential Mindset Coach. His brand signature is a structured program of basing the clients’ own unique “DNA” to discover a deeper authentic self, explore core emotions needs and awareness of limiting beliefs and hidden potentials. 
Being trained in multiple disciplines, his sessions pull from Neuroscience, CBT, ACT, Mindfulness, therapeutic therapies, Co-Active coaching and many more to create a format that helps him to best serve his client on a bespoke basis.
But at its heart it is the client’s journey of rediscovering who they are, rather than who the world thinks they should be.
His USP is providing a safe co-space where the client can be authentically themselves, as they look inwards to find their answers.


Bhavani Vanga
Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach
Based in India, Bhavani offers nutritional guidance based on Ayurvedic principles and functional nutrition. Her approach of body & mind helps individuals reconnect with their sense of ease and balance through wellness coaching. Additionally, she offers energy healing to address specific needs.